• وبلاگ : مي خوام از ماه بگم
  • يادداشت : برق چشمانت
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 5 عمومي
  • چراغ جادو

    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:

    In The Anticipation Of The Dawn

    You are called "The Hidden Imam" because you are out of sight, not that you are not present,

    Being hidden, in the sense that one is not present, is an unjust calumny.

    Those who believe in
    it fail to see the difference between Advent and Presence.

    Your arrival, for which we are ardently waiting,
    refers to your advent, not your presence.

    Your advent will be a great marvelous occurrence, because your devout lovers have felt the very pleasure of the long-awaited Imam (as), On Fridays, they long for your arrival more restlessly, and face the Quibla to humbly supplicate the Author of the universe for His favor to allow your advent come to pass soon.

    And now, we, for whom you are the of love and devoutness and the torch for our nocturnal mystic traveling, hum and hymm for waiting for your advent.